1. The T-Shirt ni Juan Design Competition is open to all Filipinos.
2. The theme for this month (February 2012) is: “Sabi ng Nanay Ko…”
3. Contestants may submit up to three designs. Contestants must warrant the originality of their designs.
4. Designs must be emailed in JPEG or PNG format, 300dpi to TShirtNiJuan@canvas.ph on or before 5pm of Wednesday, March 7, 2012.
5. Submissions must not exceed 13x9 inches in size and must use only up to a maximum of two colors.
6. CANVAS shall post all eligible entries simultaneously on the T-Shirt ni Juan Facebook page on or before Friday March 9, 2012. However, in the event that the number of entries exceeds 25, CANVAS shall choose the top 25 that it thinks can garner the most number of “likes”, and shall post these for the community to choose from.
7. CANVAS reserves the right to disqualify entries in its sole and absolute discretion, for example because it deems the entry to be obscene, or too similar to an existing proprietary design, or for any other cause that it decides reasonably warrants disqualification. The decision of CANVAS shall be final.
8. Voting shall commence on March 9, 2012, and shall end at 5pm on Friday, March 16, 2012. Individuals may like as many designs as they wish. The design which garners the most number of likes shall be adjudged the winner.
9. The winning designer will receive PhP 5,000.00 in cash and two free shirts with the winning artwork.
10. All entrants shall retain their intellectual property rights to their submitted designs.
11. The winner agrees to give CANVAS an exclusive, royalty-free license for one year to modify and use his or her design for purposes of printing the same on a limited edition t-shirt. The number of shirts to be printed shall not exceed 200. The winner agrees that, for a period of one year from the award of the prizes, he or she shall not use or license the submitted design for any commercial purposes.
12. In the event that CANVAS decides to print additional runs of the design, CANVAS shall pay the winner the sum of P2,500.00 for every 200 shirts that are subsequently printed.
13. The winner also agrees to give CANVAS a non-exclusive, perpetual, and royalty-free license to use the image on any or all of its websites and social media pages, and for printed information such as brochures, posters and other similar marketing materials, with full credit being given to the designer.
Good luck! :-)