Late last month, instrumentalists of the only corporate-supported orchestra in the country were summoned one by one by the big bosses who informed them of the non-renewal of their contracts.
Ditto with the members of the San Miguel Chorale.
Meanwhile, San Miguel continues to lavish millions on their four professional basketball teams.
I suppose it makes sense for San Miguel from a financial standpoint. But shouldn't we expect a greater sense of corporate social responsibility from one of our biggest (and most internationally respected companies)? After all, how big of a dent could it really have made on San Miguel's bottom line, and wouldn't it have been worth it?
On the other hand, one should note that there hasn't been that much public outrage about San Miguel's move, which also says something, I think.
P.S. The picture was taken in Kathmandu, Nepal where San Miguel Beer has had an increasing presence for a number of years now.
tsk=tsk-tsk...di na ako iinom ng pale! pati sanmig light! vodka and red wine na lang! hehe....
Wow. Are you kidding me? This can mean one thing: The Philippine Madrigal Singers will be revived. They sounded AWFUL after certain members defected to the San Miguel Philharmonic Chorale. Hmmm... Buti na lang.
The UP Madrigal Singers will have a free outdoor concert this Thursday, February 15 at UP's Art Hub (just beside the Carillon and Film Center). The show starts at 5:30pm.
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